Radio Exiles E and F

Radio Exiles E and F

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

notes about the August 3rd podcast

It's been estimated that bus riders are probably in the lower half of the income spectrum in Tucson...close to half the families are renters...


...a group of people...think if Sun Tran falls under the RTA umbrella, the poorest riders would not be protected from fare increases.

The city of Tucson is having budget troubles and the RTA has enough transit money set aside it says for the next five years at least.


RTA Executive Director Gary Hayes has pushed for the transfer, despite the fact that an Arizona Daily Star calculation shows it could cause a $72 million shortfall in the RTA's budget over 15 years. Hayes said that hole will be filled with operating efficiencies and federal grants.

Several nonprofit organizations and advocates for the poor...against the transfer because they fear it will lead to higher bus rates. Some bus riders said the strike would be a big inconvenience to them and their families.


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