{Some of the lyrics:}
"Strategy and maneuvers (have replaced) any love that was here. We have dinner in silence, and bullets with beer. I don't know what you want: my defeat, or complete surrender...or peace in our time. While in bed we draw the battle line
"Honeymoon in Beirut. There are not peace talks pending...no quarter given. (There's just) Blood on the bed...where there used to be love..."
Temple Grandin, a person with high-functioning autism...
Youth On Their Own (YOTO) helps homeless Metro Tucson youth ages 13 (or in 8th grade) through 21...
Desert Diamond Lucky Break
"...sign up to sing for a new TV show...Someone can win $10,000 and an audition with record company executives! As long as you're over 21...fill out the form...
"Also, get signed up visit the Monsoon Nightclub at Desert Diamond Casino on Nogales Highway Saturday nights starting at 8pm...
"Desert Diamond Lucky Break will air Saturday nights at 10:30pm on KOLD-TV..."
The song at the beginning and end of the podcast is from "The Stranger" album from Billy Joel...the song is "Get It Right the First Time". (I had to ask Brian/"BdB" what it was...I once owned that album...)
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